The Process

Our process has been refined over many successful projects.

We receive your completed plan set as a Submission, assign it an individual Submission number, check it against the specific estate Guideline and issue approved stamped documents in a timely manner.

We work with clients and developers to ensure approvals happen accurately and quickly.

Our Nine Step Process

  • Create specific Developers Housing Guidelines From draft to Council endorsement.
  • Set up dedicated email addresses, as point of access for each Project.
  • Receive Submissions.
  • Acknowledgement of Submissions within 48hr and assign Submission No.
  • Individually assess Submissions for compliance against specific Developers Housing guidelines.
  • Address any issues for resubmission. Approve, or request Re-submission.
  • Electronically stamp Approved documents.
  • Email Approved documents within 5-10 working days.
  • Supply of Developer Reports with a monthly summary of the progress of their development.

Design Guidelines


Examples of Documentation

acknowledgement of application


Examples of Submissions